Privacy Policy

Information on the processing of personal data addressed to the users of the internet site

Pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation 2016/679 / EU "concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the free circulation of such data" (hereinafter "GDPR")

Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter "Regulation"), this page describes the methods of processing the personal data of users who consult the website of Alessandra Bonora, accessible electronically at the following address: .

The processing of personal data is based on compliance with the principles of lawfulness and correctness in compliance with all applicable regulations in force.

This information does not concern other sites, pages or online services accessible via hypertext links that may be published on the site but referring to resources outside the domain .

1. Holder of the treatment

Following consultation of the site listed above, data relating to identified or identifiable natural persons may be processed. The data controller is Alessandra Bonora., with registered office in Mantua (46100-MN), Galleria Ferri, n. 6, which can be contacted by the user at the e-mail address: .

2. Types of data processed and purpose of the processing

a) Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This category of data includes: IP addresses, the type of browser used, the operating system, the domain name and the addresses of websites from which access was made, information on the pages visited by users within of the site, the time of access, the stay on the single page, the analysis of the internal path and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's IT environment.

b) Additional categories of data
This is all personal data provided by the visitor through the site, for example, by registering and / or accessing a reserved area and / or a service and / or participating in one of the initiatives launched by alone or in partnership with third parties, by writing to an e-mail address of to request information or by calling our number to have direct contact with customer service.

3. Purpose of treatment

Provide the good and / or service requested by the user, manage the contracts perfected by the user, carry out the related administrative, accounting, tax and legal obligations, as well as fulfill the requests submitted by the user.

Detect your experience of use of our platforms, products and services we offer and ensure the proper functioning of web pages and their contents.

Promote, also with the help of external agencies, the commercial initiatives of the Data Controller, by means of telematic tools, including automated ones, having promotional content and / or with reference to offers for which they may be entitled to benefit, in the interest of the Data Controller .

Carry out profiling activities, i.e. analysis and processing of information relating to the purchases made by the user, to his preferences, habits, consumption choices and / or browsing experiences. This activity is also carried out through the use of technologies such as cookies (for more information, see the "Cookie Policy" paragraph of this Information).

Legal basis of the processing

The treatments put in place for these purposes are necessary for the fulfillment of contractual obligations and do not require specific consent from the interested party. The treatments put in place for these purposes are based on a legitimate interest of the Data Controller.

The treatments put in place for these purposes are carried out with the specific consent provided by the user, with the exception of commercial communications relating to products and / or services similar to those already purchased and / or signed by the user for which the treatment is based on a legitimate interest of the Data Controller with respect to which the interested party can, in any case, always exercise his right to object.

The treatments put in place for these purposes are carried out with the specific consent provided by the user, with the exception of an analysis of elementary information relating to their consumption preferences.

4. Processing methods

The processing of personal data is carried out mainly using electronic procedures and supports for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected and, in any case, in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, correctness, non-excess and relevance provided for by the current privacy legislation.

5. Storage of data

We inform you that the data relating to the navigation logs, if registered, will be kept by the Data Controller for a period of 70 days. We also inform you that the data you provide will be processed for the entire duration of registration in the reserved area of the website, according to the contractual relationship between us in existence and further stored exclusively for the period provided for the fulfillment of legal obligations, provided that it is not necessary to keep them further to defend or assert a right or to fulfill any further legal obligations or orders of the Authorities.

6. Addressees

As part of the purposes indicated above, your data may be disclosed to:
• Third parties who carry out part of the processing activities and / or activities connected and instrumental to them on behalf of the Data Controller. These subjects will also be appointed as data processors pursuant to art. 28 of the GDPR.
• Individuals, employees and / or collaborators of the Data Controller, who have been entrusted with specific and / or more processing activities on their personal data. These individuals have been given specific instructions on the subject of security and correct use of personal data and are defined as the persons authorized to process personal data under the direct authority of the Data Controller or Data Processor.
It should be noted that at the date of preparation of this information, the host server of the website is located in Italy.

7. Rights of the interested parties

We remind you that interested parties will always have:
• The right to obtain from the Data Controller confirmation of the existence of processing activities in relation to their Personal Data, even if not yet registered and their communication in an intelligible form as well as access to Personal Data (obtaining a copy) and related information (including the purposes of the processing, the categories and origin of the Personal Data, the categories of recipients to whom they have been or may be communicated, the retention period, where possible);
• The right to obtain from the Data Controller the correction of their Personal Data and the integration of incomplete data;
• The right to delete the personal profile on the Site and, in any case, to obtain from the Data Controller the cancellation of the related Personal Data without undue delay, among other things, when the Personal Data are no longer necessary with respect to the purposes for which they were processed on the legal basis for their processing no longer exists;
• The right to withdraw consent to the processing of their Personal Data for any of the purposes for which it was provided.
• The right to object at any time to the processing of your data on the basis of our legitimate interest, unless there are legitimate reasons for proceeding with the processing that prevail over yours, for example for the exercise or our defense in court; your opposition will always and in any case prevail over our legitimate interest in processing your data for marketing purposes.
• The right to obtain from the Owner the limitation of the processing of their Personal Data, among other things, when its accuracy is contested or the User has opposed the processing, for the period necessary for the respective checks.
The user can exercise their rights towards the Owner by writing to the following email address .
Finally, we inform you that you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority, which in Italy is the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data.

Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are automatically placed on the browser's PC within the browser. They contain basic information on browsing the Internet and thanks to the browser they are recognized every time the user visits the site. Below you will find all the information about the cookies installed by this site and the necessary information on how to manage your preferences.

Typically cookies can be installed:
• directly from the owner and/or manager of the website (first-party cookies);
• by managers unrelated to the website visited by the user (so-called third-party cookies). Unless otherwise specified, please note that these cookies fall under the direct and exclusive responsibility of the manager himself. Further information on privacy and their use can be found directly on the websites of the respective operators.

This website may use, also in combination with each other, the following types of cookies classified according to the indications of the Privacy Guarantor and the Opinions issued in the European context by the Working Group pursuant to art. 29 of the GDPR:
Session, these are cookies that are not stored permanently on the user's computer and are deleted when the browser is closed, they are strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers necessary to allow safe and efficient exploration of the site avoiding recourse to other IT techniques potentially prejudicial to the confidentiality of users' browsing.
Persistent, are cookies that remain stored on the hard drive of the computer until they expire or are canceled by users / visitors. Through persistent cookies, visitors who access the site (or any other users who use the same computer) are automatically recognized at each visit. Visitors can set the computer browser to accept / reject all cookies or display a warning whenever a cookie is proposed, in order to evaluate whether to accept it or not. The user can, however, change the default configuration and disable cookies (i.e. block them permanently), setting the highest protection level.
Technicians, are the cookies used to authenticate, to take advantage of multimedia content such as flash player or to allow the choice of the navigation language. In general, it is therefore not necessary to obtain the user's prior and informed consent. This category also includes cookies used to statistically analyze accesses / visits to the site only if used exclusively for statistical purposes and through the collection of information in aggregate form.
Non-technical, all cookies are used for profiling and marketing purposes. Their use on users' terminals is prohibited if they have not previously been adequately informed and have not given valid consent in this regard according to the opt-in technique. These types of cookies are, in turn, grouped according to the functions they perform in:
Analitycs, are cookies used to collect and analyze statistical information on accesses / visits to the website. In some cases, associated with other information such as the credentials entered for access to restricted areas (your e-mail address and password), they can be used to profile the user (personal habits, sites visited, downloaded content, types of interactions carried out, etc.).
Widgets, this category includes all those graphic components of a user interface of a program, which aims to facilitate the user in interacting with the program itself. By way of example, cookies from facebook, google +, twitter are widgets.
Advertsing, this category includes cookies used to advertise within a site. Google, Tradedoubler fall into this category.

What types of cookies are used by this site?

This site uses cookies to improve the browsing experience and allow surfers to take advantage of our online services. The cookies used on this site fall into the categories described below.

1 - Technical cookies that do not require consent
The technical cookies described below do not require consent, therefore they are installed automatically following access to the site and are also necessary to acquire statistical information in anonymous and aggregate form relating to navigation on the pages of the site.
These are in particular cookies relating to the following services:
- countryCode
- languageCode
- routeid_ovidia
- wosid
- woinst

2 - Cookies for which consent is required
If, by using the consent management platform, you give your consent through one of the simplified methods described in the information presented at the time of your first access to the site, the Data Controller may install and / or let the companies install third parties listed below, additional cookies, cd profiling, for which you can choose to modify or revoke the consent given in whole or in part by following the instructions below:
- _gat
- _ga
- _gid
- _utmz
- _utmt_b
- _utmc
- _utmb
- _utma
In the absence of a user's choice on the management platform, only the technical cookies strictly necessary for the operation of the site will be installed.

Remember that you can manage your cookie preferences also through the browser

If you are using Internet Explorer:
In Internet Explorer, click on "Tools" and select "Internet Options". In the Privacy tab, move the cursor up to block all cookies or down to allow all cookies, and then click OK.

If you are using the Firefox browser:
Choose the "Tools" menu of the browser and select the "Options" menu. Click on the "Privacy" tab. In the "Retention rules" drop-down list, select the desired level. Check the box "Accept cookies" to enable cookies, or remove the check to disable them. Choose how long cookies can be kept.

If you are using the Safari browser:
Click in the Safari menu, select the "Edit" menu and select "Preferences". Click on "Privacy". Place the "Cookies Block" setting and click OK.

If you are using the Google Chrome browser:
Click on the Chrome menu in the browser toolbar. Select "Settings". Click on "Show advanced settings". In the "Privacy" section, click on "Content settings". In the "Cookies" section, select "Block all sites from saving data" and then click OK.

In any case, you can customize your choices by connecting to the following address:


The possible entry into force of new sector regulations, as well as the constant examination and updating of services to the user, could involve the need to change the methods and terms described in this Notice. It is therefore possible that this document may undergo changes over time. We therefore invite you to periodically consult this page.
We will publish any changes to this Notice on this page and, if the changes are relevant, we will notify you with a more visible notification.
Previous versions of this information will, in any case, be archived to allow consultation.