OVIDIA's philosophy is "Love nature as you love yourself", a line that alludes to the founding ethical principle that characterizes its production: one's physical beauty cannot be separated from the spiritual beauty that is typical of anyone who loves nature and its wonderful creatures, such as flowers, fruits, plants, woods, rivers, lakes, seas, mountains, animals of all species, human beings of all ethnicities. A nature that is increasingly offended and sometimes scarred by the exploitation caused by unscrupulous men to obtain products to sell and accumulate wealth. A nature often replaced by the fake, the false, the artificial. A nature mystified by the exasperation of chemistry and genetic engineering, besieged by the proliferation of oil derivatives that are used more or less explicitly. OVIDIA rejects all this and offers products that incarnate the ethics of respect for nature. A woman can love herself and want to valorize her face and body, but she can also love nature as herself, preferring a cosmetics line which is respectful of nature and inspired by it.


The respect and protection of nature and the environment that characterize those who choose to entrust the care of their beauty to Ovidia are also found within the products themselves. In fact, each ingredient is 100% of natural and organic origin, and allows you to enjoy all those benefits that the plant elements naturally have. The same paper used for the external packaging is totally ecological and made with corn processing waste.

  • Absence of raw materials that are allergenic and irritating or considered harmful to human health
  • Absence of GMO derived components
  • No animal testing
  • Use of agricultural and zootechnical products from certified organic farming
  • Absence of environmentally unsustainable materials, both in the product and in the packaging